CardEasy Digital

What is CardEasy Digital?

CardEasy Digital facilitates payment via alternative contact centre communication channels including e-mail, SMS, webchat, social media and chatbots.The agent generates a single- use secure link or QR code to send to the customer to open up a secure web page on which they can enter their card numbers to submit for payment authorisation via CardEasy. […]

What is CardEasy Digital? Read More »

CardEasy Digital facilitates payment via alternative contact centre communication channels including e-mail, SMS, webchat, social media and chatbots.The agent generates a single- use secure link or QR code to send to the customer to open up a secure web page on which they can enter their card numbers to submit for payment authorisation via CardEasy.

What channels can we use to take payments with CardEasy Digital?

CardEasy Digital gives you the ability to take secure payments via any digital channel, from email and SMS to web chat, video, social media message or any other digital channel.

What channels can we use to take payments with CardEasy Digital? Read More »

CardEasy Digital gives you the ability to take secure payments via any digital channel, from email and SMS to web chat, video, social media message or any other digital channel.