Secure Call Recording

Record calls securely and analyse them on demand. Unlock powerful business benefits by revealing true customer sentiment and intent.

Focus on the conversations and moments that matter

Secure Call Recording

Great news for contact centres: CardEasy’s new Secure Call Recording solution will reveal your customers’ sentiment at speed and scale using artificial intelligence (AI). You can record calls securely, transcribe on-demand and get valuable insights automatically. Calls are awarded a ‘sentiment score’, with word clouds and conversation heatmaps guiding managers to check critical moments and discover how to improve the customer experience.

What is Secure Call Recording?

Our cloud Secure Call Recording solution elevates call recording from being a routine necessity into a valuable driver for business transformation. Now you can quickly identify key moments in business-critical conversations — without having to listen to thousands of calls.

Our solution can secure your recordings, help you with privacy legislation such as GDPR and CPRA, and let you analyse call content and sentiment in a fast and intuitive way.

Why use Secure Call Recording?

  • Save time and money: Benefit from cost and time efficiencies with our secure cloud based platform, and avoid having to maintain or use legacy recording equipment.
  • Take control: Move beyond basic call recording and management functionality provided by many cloud-based telephony solutions.
  • Understand sentiment quickly: Transcribe calls on-demand and discover customers’ pain points right away — without having to listen to entire conversations.
  • Act on business insights: Get instant visibility on issues as well as longer term trends arising within your contact centre or wider business, to improve customer experience and strengthen loyalty.
  • Prioritise data security: Capture and analyse customer interactions whilst maintaining the highest standards of data protection, with redaction included as standard.

How Secure Call Recording works

Scenarios where Secure Call Recording can make the difference

Secure Call Recording

Yes. Trending keywords and phrases can be searched for across all recordings and transcripts.

Yes, you set the system to automatically tag any calls including key words and phrases said by agents or customers, quantify them and report by time or by agent.

Simply transcribe a large volume of calls and glance at the heatmaps to pinpoint any issues.

You can bring any outsourcing partners under the umbrella of your Secure Calling Recording solution. You can then check their calls just as easily as your own.

Yes. First, create a list of words. For example, these may be the names of new services, they could be banned words, or they may relate to specific issues within your business. The AI will hunt for them within all your transcripts and tag them for you to see clearly.

Yes, it’s possible to manage everything in one place with Secure Call Recording.

Search transcripts for delivery-related keywords and find out how many times problems were mentioned by customers.

Download the Secure Call Recording brochure to find out more

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The cardeasy suite

More than just one solution

All the CardEasy secure payment solutions work seamlessly together, as well as integrating with your existing systems, ensuring that your customers receive a consistent and user-friendly payment experience whatever channel they decide to use.nnWhether you choose to use CardEasy for agent assisted, IVR or digital payments (or all three), your customers’ payment card data is never seen or heard by your agents, or stored in your environment or call recordings, meaning your environment is fully de-scoped from the PCI DSS controls.