Guarantee protected payments

Whatever platforms you use or digital transitions you make.

The future of secure payments

CardEasy provides a simple, secure and cost-effective payment solution, whether your customers choose to pay during a call with an agent, using self-service IVR or via digital channels such as email, webchat, SMS or social media. It protects customers’ payment card data while also de-scoping your contact center from PCI DSS.

Consumer attitudes to card payments – are you doing enough?

Find out consumer attitudes to telephone payments and their expectations of a secure omni-channel shopping experience.

Prepare for PCI DSS 4.0

Read about the key requirements of PCI DSS 4.0 and what you need to do to comply.

CardEasy in <3 minutes

Create a secure environment for customer payment data across all of your contact center payment channels using a fully cloud-hosted or on-premise CardEasy solution, with all the reporting and analytics you need.

Our work with global insurers

One of the reasons global insurers in the USA and Canada select CardEasy as their secure payment provider is because we provide seamless integration with their incumbent contact center solutions, and they have been delighted with the results. Why? When it comes to taking payments, we ensure there’s no margin for risk.

With CardEasy, no employee sees or hears the card payment details, reducing the risk of data breach or fraud.

Level up payment security with CardEasy

Discover our insightful infographic and learn how to enhance the agent experience, impress customers, and build trust in your brand with CardEasy.

What our customers say about us

CardEasy is a very simple system to implement, it’s cost-effective and they are a Level 1 service provider, so they are also able to provide all the necessary documentation for a PCI DSS audit

Parts Town Employee

We chose CardEasy because they had the solution that we needed to de-scope our live contact center agent and IVR environment. CardEasy was the only vendor that provided the flexibility to integrate with our home-grown systems because their system can be cloud-based, with no requirement to change any of our existing IT.

Payment and Fraud Analyst, Locus

The CardEasy solution easily de-scopes us from PCI DSS compliance and mitigates the risk of any internal fraud. The platform is scalable and easy to use… along with the confidence we have in CardEasy who have been instrumental in a smooth implementation, guiding us and offering insight.

Head of Collections, Allied Irish Bank

Overall we’re very happy with CardEasy. We need systems that support our high-quality customer service ethos and meet our commercial requirements and in our case, CardEasy matches those needs and does exactly what it promised.

Head of Operations, Hiscox

We wanted to further enhance data security in our call center and decided to use CardEasy’s secure phone keypad payment (DTMF), as it’s important to our customers that our payment solution is safe and easy to use. CardEasy works just as effectively for callers in the USA, Germany and Australia as in the UK.

Chief Information Officer, Charles Tyrwhitt

Miele selected CardEasy’s pioneering, hosted CardEasy system to enrich customer service whilst de-scoping us from large sections of PCI DSS regulations, which otherwise require significant cost and effort to satisfy.

IT Manager, Miele