Blog > PCI DSS


Why so-called ‘pause and resume’ systems are not PCI DSS compliant

We know from talking to potential clients that a large number of organizations are still using so called ‘pause and resume’ systems in their contact centers, often in the mistaken belief that these systems will enable them to achieve PCI compliance. Unfortunately that’s not the case. When we’re asked to help merchants’ IT managers and […]

Why so-called ‘pause and resume’ systems are not PCI DSS compliant Read More »

We know from talking to potential clients that a large number of organizations are still using so called ‘pause and resume’ systems in their contact centers, often in the mistaken belief that these systems will enable them to achieve PCI compliance. Unfortunately that’s not the case. When we’re asked to help merchants’ IT managers and

How to make your call recordings PCI DSS compliant

It’s common practice nowadays for organizations to record telephone calls between staff and customers. This might be for quality control, for staff monitoring and training, or as part of customer service and complaints review. Indeed, in many industries (particularly financial services) the recording of calls is a regulatory requirement. In this article I want to

How to make your call recordings PCI DSS compliant Read More »

It’s common practice nowadays for organizations to record telephone calls between staff and customers. This might be for quality control, for staff monitoring and training, or as part of customer service and complaints review. Indeed, in many industries (particularly financial services) the recording of calls is a regulatory requirement. In this article I want to

Why CardEasy is the best secure payment option for retailers

The retail sector is a hotspot for cybercrime. Recent retail data breaches include Neiman Marcus (the personal data of 4.6 million customer was exposed, including payment card details) Wegmans, Guess, Panasonic, J Crew, Macy’s and Uniqlo, to name but a few. The amount of sensitive data that retailers hold, combined with the drive for companies

Why CardEasy is the best secure payment option for retailers Read More »

The retail sector is a hotspot for cybercrime. Recent retail data breaches include Neiman Marcus (the personal data of 4.6 million customer was exposed, including payment card details) Wegmans, Guess, Panasonic, J Crew, Macy’s and Uniqlo, to name but a few. The amount of sensitive data that retailers hold, combined with the drive for companies

What is DTMF masking and how can it help you ensure PCI DSS compliance in your contact center?

This article explains how DTMF masking (also known as DTMF suppression or DTMF clamping) works and how a secure payment solution such as CardEasy that uses DTMF masking is the most secure and PCI compliant way to take payments over the telephone. What are DTMF tones? DTMF stands for dual tone multifrequency. Each key on

What is DTMF masking and how can it help you ensure PCI DSS compliance in your contact center? Read More »

This article explains how DTMF masking (also known as DTMF suppression or DTMF clamping) works and how a secure payment solution such as CardEasy that uses DTMF masking is the most secure and PCI compliant way to take payments over the telephone. What are DTMF tones? DTMF stands for dual tone multifrequency. Each key on

How to prepare for PCI DSS 4.0

The PCI Security Standards Council released PCI DSS v4.0 on March 31, 2022. The aim of the update is to establish standards that better address emerging threats and new technologies. The process of developing PCI DSS v4.0 has involved feedback from more than 200 organizations with the aim of ensuring that the PCI DSS standards

How to prepare for PCI DSS 4.0 Read More »

The PCI Security Standards Council released PCI DSS v4.0 on March 31, 2022. The aim of the update is to establish standards that better address emerging threats and new technologies. The process of developing PCI DSS v4.0 has involved feedback from more than 200 organizations with the aim of ensuring that the PCI DSS standards

Consumers’ changing attitudes to telephone payments in a post-pandemic world

We’ve been conducting regular research on consumers’ attitudes to telephone payments since 2014. Our most recent update of this research reviews the current state of play regarding consumers’ attitudes to card payments by phone and assesses how these have changed over the last few years, particularly considering the ongoing effect of the global COVID-19 pandemic

Consumers’ changing attitudes to telephone payments in a post-pandemic world Read More »

We’ve been conducting regular research on consumers’ attitudes to telephone payments since 2014. Our most recent update of this research reviews the current state of play regarding consumers’ attitudes to card payments by phone and assesses how these have changed over the last few years, particularly considering the ongoing effect of the global COVID-19 pandemic